Neuromuscular Therapy is an integrative form of manual therapy that analyzes identifies and corrects structural and biomechanical imbalances in the body that cause chronic pain, recurring injuries and injuries that never fully heal. Chronic pain is traditionally treated in a way that does not address the underlying soft tissue causes of pain which leads to faulty movement patterns. When performed in isolation, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, and medicinal pain management fail to address the entire health issue. By careful analysis of posture and dysfunctional movement patterns a comprehensive therapy program to fully addresses the five stages of rehabilitation can be constructed to greatly alleviate or eliminate acute or chronic mechanical problems which cause pain.
The five stages are:
• Eliminate Muscle Spasm
• Restore Flexibility
• Restore Proper Biomechanics and functional movement patterns
• Increase Muscle Strength
• Increase Muscular Endurance
Neuromuscular therapy's efficiency at eliminating or greatly alleviating pain is nothing short of spectacular. Moreover, it also educates the patient on ways to prevent recurrence of the injury / pain.